Longtail Keyword: Why are Longtail Keywords Important?


What is a Long Tail Keyword in Seo

What is a Long Tail Keyword in Seo?

A longtail keyword is a specific and targeted search term that has a low search volume compared to more general, shorter keywords. These keywords are typically made up of three or more words and are more specific and targeted than shorter keywords. 

For example, "best budget laptops for college students" is a longtail keyword, while "budget laptops" is a shorter, more general keyword.

Longtail keywords are often used by businesses and marketers as a way to target a specific audience or to rank for more specific search terms. 

Because longtail keywords have lower search volume, they may be easier to rank for in search engine results pages (SERPs) and can be a useful way to drive targeted traffic to a website. 

However, it's important to carefully research and select longtail keywords in order to ensure that they are relevant to the content of a website and are being searched for by the intended audience.

What Are Long Tail Keywords Examples

Long-tail keywords are more specific and often longer phrases that are less commonly searched for but can still drive traffic to your website. Some examples of long-tail keywords might include:

    "best organic cotton t-shirts for men"
    "how to train your dog to come when called"
    "affordable wedding venues in downtown Chicago"
    "vegan gluten-free chocolate chip cookie recipe"
    "top-rated hybrid cars for families"

These phrases are more specific and targeted than broader, more general keywords like "t-shirts," "dog training," or "wedding venues." As a result, they tend to have less competition and may be easier to rank for in search engine results pages (SERPs). However, they also tend to have lower search volume, so they may not drive as much traffic to your website as more general keywords.

Short Tail vs Long Tail Keywords

In search engine optimization (SEO), a short tail keyword is a keyword phrase that consists of one or two words. These keywords are generally more competitive and have a higher search volume, which means that they are used more often in searches. Examples of short tail keywords might include "dresses" or "running shoes."

On the other hand, long tail keywords are keyword phrases that are longer and more specific. These keywords are generally less competitive and have a lower search volume, but they can be more effective for certain types of businesses or websites. For example, a long tail keyword might be "vintage inspired cocktail dresses for women."

It's important to consider both short tail and long tail keywords when optimizing a website for search engines. Short tail keywords are often more competitive and can drive a lot of traffic to a website, but they might not be as specific or relevant to the content of the website. Long tail keywords, on the other hand, can be more specific and relevant, but they might not drive as much traffic. The best approach is often to use a mix of both short tail and long tail keywords to reach a wide audience and drive targeted traffic to a website.

How to Find Long Tail Keywords

There are several ways to find long tail keywords for your website:

  1. Use keyword research tools: There are a number of tools available that can help you find long tail keywords related to your business or website. Some popular options include Google's Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, and SEMrush. These tools allow you to enter a seed keyword and generate a list of related long tail keywords.

  2. Check out your competition: Look at the websites of your competitors and see what keywords they are targeting. This can give you an idea of what keywords are popular in your industry and help you come up with ideas for your own long tail keywords.

  3. Use Google's auto-complete feature: Start typing a seed keyword into Google's search bar and see what suggestions pop up. These suggestions are based on what other people are searching for and can give you an idea of long tail keywords you might want to target.

  4. Use a keyword generator: There are also online tools that can generate long tail keywords for you based on your seed keyword. Simply enter your seed keyword and the tool will generate a list of related long tail keywords.

  5. Consider common questions and long-form content: Think about the questions that people in your industry might have, and consider creating long-form content that addresses these questions. This can help you come up with long tail keywords to target.

By using a combination of these techniques, you should be able to find a wide range of long tail keywords to target on your website.
